Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Buckle down

Less than two weeks away from the first half marathon this year. The Fargo Half
Marathon and all the festivites associated with it will take place the weekend
of May 19th - 21st in Fargo, ND. Hard to believe this will be the fifth race in Fargo
that I'll be carrying the red, white & blue. 2007 was my first half marathon finishing
just over two hours and ten minutes. In 2008 was my first full marathon finishing
just over five hours and thirty minutes. In 2009 & 2010 it was two half marathons,
one of which was my best half marathon time clocking two hours and six minutes
while that time increased a little bit the following year by ten minutes.
Training this year has been a bit more intense than the previous years. I've
listened more, taken more advice, met new runners who have given me new
and fresh ideas to keep the training fun and exciting, plus my focus has been on
a different level. The previous years it was all about telling everyone what I had
been doing. This year, it's more of just doing it. I do have some fellow running
friends who have asked that I post what I do either on here or through Facebook
or Twitter, two social networking tools I use to keep in touch with others throughout
the world. I've been able to connect with some pretty cool people through those
outlets that I would have never known before. Some of these are fitness buffs
who have sent me information or provide information publicly for all to see.
Different videos, posts, articles and pictures of workouts are so great to view.
You might catch one little tidbit that just makes sense to your particular training.
I see a lot of articles or video on strength training, power lifting, speed workouts
and a whole lot more. Power lifting obviously doens't do it for me, but for others
it's just what the doctor, or trainer, ordered. Everyone's got their nitch, but for
all walks of people, a good mix can do you wonders. Anything from biking to
boxing; kettle bells to jumpropes; medicine balls to dumb bells...I've tried them
all. They all work, if you use them the right way. I see some people come into
a gym, try to lift as much as possible, burn themselves out and then never come
back. Some have come into a gym, wonder around in their cut off shirt and jeans,
sit at a machine thinking "What am I supposed to do with this??" and do a couple
reps before heading out. Probably won't do you too good! Asking questions
is one of the things also over looked when it comes to finding out what will work
best for you. I think some are just afraid of what really needs to be done in order
to accomplish their own personal goals. It's all about pacing. Starting out slow
and working your way up. In most cases, you don't start out as the boss at work.
If you do, more power to you. You work your way up. Take your lumps and
gradually make your way to the level you wanted to get to. It doesn't happen
at the same pace. Some can handle a lot and get that accomplished in a few
months, while for others it could take a few years. The same goes with training.
Not all workouts are going to be for you. Not all workouts will get you to the level
you want over night. Don't try to look like someone else, try to look the way you
imagine yourself where you'd feel good about the way you feel physically.
There's one circuit training routine I do a few times a week that is awesome.
Would it work for you? I think it would, but you might beg to differ if you tried it.
No matter what your style when it comes to working out, the right style is just
getting out there and doing something. Trying new things, seeing what's going
to work for you personally. That's what I'm doing and it seems to be working
well. I'm not a pro, I'm not a marathon champion. I am an individual who trains
to the level I need to in order to accomplish my own personal goals. With the
help of others who push me, I can attain that. I ran with one of my trainers
last night from his place to a highway and back, which was a distance of
six and a half miles. Winding roads, hills and wind which helped to push us
both to another level that will get us prepared for our own personal achievements
at the run in Fargo. What's your own personal goal? Once you find that out
you'll be able to take the next step, buckle down and get the job done.
Just remember, don't be afraid to ask questions. People will answer.
There's always at least one person who will be more than willing to help you
out. Take some constructive criticizm and most important, don't give up.
Good luck with your training! See you in Fargo, ND May 21st!!

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