Is January already 2/3 over? That's what I've been hearing. It shows it on my calendar too and on this blog post. January 22nd, 2011 - time flies when during training fun. Or is it when you're having fun? I don't know, it's all fun to me I guess in that scenario.
I've been seeing the last few weeks a lot more people sick, whether it'd be for a couple days, or even a few weeks! I had mine hit mid-December right before the holidays. No better way to cure the winter time sickness than lots of food and sweets, right?? Alright, so maybe that's not the best way to go, but it sure tasted good when I could actually taste it. One of my co workers was down for the count today. Literally - he was laying on the floor at the radio station, face down when I left this morning. I felt sorry for him knowing that I was in a similar position (not lying like that) of sickness just over a month ago. There was one day I was so run down, I didn't even remember most of the time I was up at work one Saturday morning. Have to love that feeling...or not.
I've been great ever since the sickness has faded away. One thing I wonder is how many drugs (legal drugs) people actually try while going through a sickness. In that time frame, I was getting to the point I wanted it all to be done with RIGHT NOW. I was getting impatient with it, which usually doesn't happen with me. But it was getting extremely sickening (no pun intended). It made it very tough to run without hacking up a storm on a treadmill, which I didn't feel comfortable doing...not for the fact that it made it tough to run...but more so the fact that when you run, you don't want to extend your arm to cover your mouth, you just let it fly. Germs all over the eletronic board you use to get that thing going, not a good situation. So I stayed away from the gym for over a week. Since the start of January, it's been at it about five days a week, mixing from mornings to evenings, depending on the schedule. I've stayed steady with my training schedule for the most part, only missed one day due to a scheduling conflict, which I made up for by packing two days into one when I had more time. Something I wouldn't recommend, but I've been put through it before, so my body just takes it and is always rewarded with a day off the next day to get complete rest that it needs.
Running is something you never do alone. Even though you might go to the gym by yourself or run on a treadmill and not talk to anyone in there while you're focused on your workouts, you still need to go it with the help and communication from other people that know health and wellness. Luckily for me, I've been able to surround myself with excellent helpers and supporters. One in particular, my chiropractor has taught me a lot about both physical and mental health when it comes to running and exercise. He writes every once in a while too, and throws in some posts on some social networking to keep people informed about new health trends and even edcuational things that maybe you have heard before but don't really believe. He knows his stuff! I posted his most recent article on my website which can be found by CLICKING HERE. The blog post is titled: 'Spinal Column: The Fever'. It talks about some interesting facts in regards to fevers and how you can over come them the right way.
Today was a great day of work outs: Nine miles completed, ten minutes of kettle bell work outs, abs with the medicine ball and "big ball".
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I've been hearing about more people making the resolution to run in Fargo this year, good news! I hope your training is going well if you've started already, if not, once you get to it, stick with it, you'll be glad you did!
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